Thank you for sharing what you have to help end homelessness in the Charlottesville community.
Learn more about the various ways that you can support The Haven.
Give stocks or bonds. Give securities to support The Haven. No capital gains taxes will be applied when you donate stocks or bonds to The Haven.
Give real estate. A gift of property (such as your home, vacation property, vacant land, farmland, ranch or commercial property) can be a tremendous gift to The Haven. If you own appreciated real property, no capital gains taxes will be applied when you donate it to The Haven.
Give retirement assets. A gift from your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension or other tax-deferred plan is another excellent way to support The Haven. If you are 70.5 years of age or older, the required minimum distribution from your IRA can be distributed directly to The Haven, providing tax advantages for you while bringing help and hope to people experiencing homelessness in the Charlottesville community.
Give insurance. Giving your life insurance policy is another way to support The Haven. If your life insurance policy is no longer needed or will no longer benefit your survivors, consider making a gift to help The Haven further our mission.
Make a bequest. Leave a lasting impact by making a charitable bequest to The Haven. You can make this gift in your will or trust, directing a donation of cash or personal property to provide hope and practical help for your neighbors in need. We are happy to provide sample bequest language at your request.
To pursue any of these options, please contact our executive director, Stephen Hitchcock, at or (434) 973-1234 ext. 109.