Program Access

 Homeless Information Line (HIL) and Coordinated Entry System (CES)

Please note: For all programs, eligibility does not guarantee access. Demand exceeds available funds and capacity. click any underlined term for definitions. call the hil at 434-207-2328.

Why does the HIL exist? Communities receiving public funds for homeless services are required to have a coordinated system for service access. Our community has decided to use the Homeless Information Line (HIL) as the access point to this system. The Haven volunteers to staff the HIL and the Coordinated Entry System as a service to our community.

What does the HIL do? The HIL provides information related to shelter and housing services and is the access point for certain housing programs.

What are the limitations of the HIL? The HIL is not answered live and does not provide case management or housing navigation to callers.

What to expect when calling the HIL:

  • You will hear a recording that provides information about homeless and housing services available in the City of Charlottesville and the counties of Albemarle, Greene, Nelson, Fluvanna, and Louisa.

  • Follow the prompts applicable to your situation and the menu will direct your call to the agency best able to meet your needs, even if that agency is not The Haven.

  • If you are calling the HIL to be screened for assistance from The Haven:

    • Follow the prompts to leave a voicemail for the HIL Operator

    • Only leave a voicemail if:

    • Leave the following information on the voicemail:

      • Name

      • Current housing situation

      • Best phone number & time of day for callback

    • Your call will be returned within five business days (as of 1/2025).

What you can expect when the HIL Operator returns your call:

  • Plan to answer all incoming calls, including numbers not recognized

  • Prepare to answer the following screening questions:

    • What is your current employment or income?

    • What is your current housing situation?

    • In what locality are you currently living and/or is the identified housing unit located (if applicable)?

  • Depending on your answers, and whether or not funding is available, you may be scheduled for an eligibility appointment within seven business days.

  • If you do not qualify for an eligibility appointment you can call us back if your situation changes.

  • If funds are not available you will not be scheduled for an eligibility appointment but you can call back next month.

What you can expect when the Coordinated Entry Team Member calls you for your eligibility appointment:

  • Average appointment length is 1 hour; find a private space to answer personal questions

  • Within three business days of your eligibility appointment you will receive a call from the Haven Housing Department to explain if you can be offered financial support. Eligibility does not guarantee funding.

We’re always trying to do better and improve our processes. Please use this form to provide specific information if you believe the HIL did not work as it should.

Download a printable version of this information for the Homeless Information Line and Haven Housing Programs.